Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I forgot...

Tomorrow is Adam's birthday... and in Iraq it's already tomorrow, so send him some love! He's getting OLD! He will be coming home next month too. Just thought I would give a brief update on him, only because it's his birthday!

The past two weeks....

I want to first apologize for not returning texts or phone calls. It has been a very, very busy couple of weeks. Towards the beginning of the month I joined Bran in his trip to Laughlin for the International Trauma Life Support conference. Laughlin is nothing like Vegas! It is filled with a bunch of gray haired junkies. Eh... but it wasn't too bad. Here are a few pictures... Honestly, there is nothing to do in Laughlin...
Yes, Tama came with us as well. The trip was free so I have no complaints. And they have raccoons. Yep and beavers. (It was the most excited part of the trip!) :)
I have been crazy busy with work as well, and we are hiring state wide so if you have any questions about state services or would like a job working with children with disabilities let me know. I will post pictures of my nephew tomorrow, he has gotten soooo big!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Never ceases to amaze me...

My special puppy is just too smart for his own good. I have determined that is his biggest problem. Today, I was upstairs watching out the window at this well-behaved boxer playing fetch with his owner and her daughter. It was adorable and I told Bran that I wish Mater could go outside like that! Well, about an hour later I hear my front door open (ofcourse I forgot to lock it!). By the time I ran down the stairs, jumped the baby gate and got outside, Mater was in the front yard taking care of business. I guess when you have to go you have to go! (And thank goodness it wasn't in my house!).

This is nothing compared to what he did the other week. My parents live about 12 miles away from me and I wanted to put Mater in the backyard to play while I drove to Buckeeye. i know he was still there at around 630pm because my sister called me to tell me there a dog in the backyard haha. At the time, I laughed at the useless information, but through the night it became useful. She doesn't like dogs, so I know she left him alone. At round 830pm, Bran called me and asked when Mater was. When i told him the backyard he told me to check again. Turn out I had missed 4 or 5 calls from the petsmart 8 1/2 miles from my parent's home. Talk about homeward bound! Mater was set to go home and had made it all the way petsmart where his trainer found him in the parking lot. He's a lucky pup!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


There is a nasty flu... and sore throat and all sorts of stuff going around. I think I am contangious. It never fails, I go on vacation...I end up sick. Oh well. Unfortuntely, I am unable to take anymore time off for now. The good news... we are hiring if anyone needs a flexible job!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I will fix my Page...

So, I will fix my blog page when I get home. For some reason is has all of the urls messed up and it's just strange... but I will work on it when my computer isn't being dumb! For now I thought I would share a couple of cute pictures. So, yesterday Bran and I headed to Laughlin for the ITLS conference (I will have pictures of our trip later). But, before I left, Mater was up to no good. He thought he would sucker me into taking him with me. He tried looking cute...
It almost worked! Then he tried to hide in the trunk of my car. He stayed there for 30 minutes! I tried to tell him that he was going to go over to grandma and grandpa's and have a great time chasing kitties and shadows, but he didn't believe me. Last night my mom sent me this picture...

Is he not just the cutest thing ever? You would never know he was special now would you...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Just FYI

I have no idea what I am doing on here! If any one can send suggestions my way I would appreciate it! haha

Just to start...

It's midnight and I should be going to bed, but who needs sleep anyway! I took Kim's advice and started a blog spot! Yes Kim that means you have to start one too! I hope to keep everyone updated on all that is going on in my life, my family and the life of my special needs puppy (with lots of stories on Mater to come!). Enjoy!

-Just a brief introduction on Mater's behalf.:

Mater was given to a rescue when he was 5 months old and the lady at the rescue decided that he was just too much puppy fo anyone to take. So, she posted him on craigslist for free and I thougtht I was getting a smokin deal for a full-bread silver lab. We have had Mater for a month now and it turns out that it's not that Mater has puppy issues, it is that Mater is Special. He has been diagnosed with severe seperation and generalized anxiety (he fears inanimate objects on the wall, shadows, mirrors and hair blow dryers) and severe obsessive compulsive disorder (he is even a skin picker!) The vet is sending us to a specialist for more testing. We had signed up for puppy classes at Petsmart, but are no longer going to be able to go because it takes two of us to hold him down when he gets scared. He does not like water so, I dilute pedialite (orange) just to get him to drink something And, to top it all off, Mater has extreme allergies to wheat, beef and corn, so he is on a specialized diet of Duck and Potato. I promise... good stories to come!

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