Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Decorating

So, I had to get some Christmas decorating out of the way while I had time. I wanted Bran to decorate with me, but didn't really have the time to wait. (For those of you who haven't heard yet, Bran is completing the second half of Gilbert PD's Lateral Officer hiring process tomorrow. I've prayed every night the past month that it goes as planned!!!) At any rate, I have some coworkers that are coming up from Sierra Vista for Mandatory training Dec. 6-10, so I offered my house. Why not? I live alone in a fully furnished house that sits lonely.... Ironically shortly after making this offer a friend of mine called to let me know that she and her husband received the bank acceptance letter on a mortgage they requested for a new house and a prospective leaser on their current home. The problem, however, is that the new home will take up to 30 days to close, and the renter needs to move in by the 15th of December. So, of course I offered my house as well! They, along with their 3yr old daughter and 3 month old son will be moving in and spending the holidays with me. :) I really am excited about it.
So here's about all I was able to get done with Christmas decorating....

And of course what would our first Christmas in our home be without our first real Christmas tree :)

And well, that's about all I was able to get done at first because I was interrupted. Gladly though. :) I am proud to welcome the newest Davis addition baby #2,

born December 2,2008 4:16am to Mikee and Kristina

weighing in at 9lbs 7oz, 22in: Harlan Ray Davis.

-And because the world just can't get any smaller than it already is.... born in the room next door to my nephew on Dec. 1, 2008 Brody Samon to his proud daddy Chris, his wife and big brother. Congrats to them as well!

So, back to decorating, luckily I had planned on a busy holiday and finished my Christmas shopping before thanksgiving. So I recruited big brother Jaxon to help decorate using some Garland and the gifts...

Here is Jaxon....

Here is what I came up with...

And apparently he would prefer to be a milkman rather than an electrician (like father like son!)

It was nice having my parents and sister over though. I think this is the first time my dad has been by since June. :/ He had a hard time with me buying a home and moving out.... but He will come around.

Stay safe, Stay Warm and Get Excited for Red-Nosed Reindogs!

1 comment:

rdigirl said...

I love your blog page! It puts mine to shame! :-) I mostly am just "journaling" on my page. I have not really done anything with it! But, you have inspired me!
You are such a sweetheart and have so many nice things to share.
Happy New Year!

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